Hear My Voice | Tamanika Zinger


  1. Trish Lucero on February 2, 2024 at 1:45 am

    Thank you for story

  2. Debra Haywood on February 15, 2024 at 1:49 am

    I really don’t know what the comments I just got diagnosed with this. I’m so glad to hear you got your hearing back and you are again walking. About 4 years ago I became sick with a cold I woke up the next day and at the hospital I couldn’t hear you no one knew what was wrong in 2022 I lost my vision and my Vision in my left eye eye doctor thought I had dry eyes they finally did MRI and a spinal tap just started treatment I don’t know too much about it have been listening to stories thank you for sharing trying to get educated about it

  3. Debra Haywood on February 15, 2024 at 1:50 am

    I really don’t know what the to comments I just got diagnosed with this. I’m so glad to hear you got your hearing back and you are again walking. About 4 years ago I became sick with a cold I woke up the next day and at the hospital I couldn’t hear you no one knew what was wrong in 2022 I lost my vision and my Vision in my left eye eye doctor thought I had dry eyes they finally did MRI and a spinal tap just started treatment I don’t know too much about it have been listening to stories thank you for sharing trying to get educated about it

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