Living With NMO

Tantanisha Oliver

One  Wednesday morning in July 2019, I woke up with vision loss. I went to look in my bathroom mirror because I thought maybe I was still asleep.  After covering my right eye, I couldn’t see anything from my left eye.  I immediately called my eye doctor to schedule an appointment.  That Monday,  the eye doctor dialated my eyes and she noticed that my optic nerve was inflamed.  She began asking if anyone in my family has Multiple Sclerosis. She sent me to my local ER and I was told that their was nothing that they could do to treat me. They did an MRI and sent me to Memphis Tn to Regional One Hospital.  I was admitted to the hospital and they began testing me for numerous of labs. I had many more MRIs, lumbar puncture, etc. So the first treatment was the IV steroids. I received this treatment for 5 days and was discharged on a Saturday evening.  The following week, I had a check up with the neurologist and I was admitted once again because my vision wasn’t improving. This time I was introduced to a treatment called plasmapheresis.  I received this treatment for 5 days every other day.  With this treatment,  my vision began to improve.  However,  in September 2019, I lost my vision again. Even though my vision never recovered fully. Now I’m receiving plasmapheresis along with a suppressant drug and other medications.  However,  my blood pressure and heart rate seems to drop during the plasma exchange.  Once I had to receive plasma with the plasmapheresis.  All of this took place during the months of July,  August,  and September.  I’ve been told that I’m the first in this area (Memphis) to be diagnosed with NMO. 


  1. Nicole Mitchellp on October 10, 2019 at 7:44 pm

    I was recently diagnosed with Transverse myelitis and NMO. I have alot of questions. With you Nmo what kind of immunosuppressants did they place you on? Have you ever experienced episodes of transverse myelitis along with the NMO? And how are you doing now? My NMO has attacked my spine along with the transverse myelitis. I am partially paralyzed only left side, upper and lower extremities. I’m currently no on any immunosuppressants but they want to try to place on Solaris or Solaris. What’d going on in your life now?

    • Tantanisha r oliver on November 8, 2019 at 7:26 pm

      Hi Nicole…
      Sorry for the late response. I have not experienced Transverse Myelitis. I was prescribed Mycophenolate; however, my insurance company has denied payong for the medication . As of today, my vision is declining again. I’ve only experienced vision loss in my left eye. How are you doing? I pray all is well. Its tough dealing with this, but keep the faith in the Lord.

  2. Nicole Mitchellp on October 10, 2019 at 7:44 pm

    I was recently diagnosed with Transverse myelitis and NMO. I have alot of questions. With you Nmo what kind of immunosuppressants did they place you on? Have you ever experienced episodes of transverse myelitis along with the NMO? And how are you doing now? My NMO has attacked my spine along with the transverse myelitis. I am partially paralyzed only left side, upper and lower extremities. I’m currently no on any immunosuppressants but they want to try to place on Solaris or Solaris. What’d going on in your life now?

  3. Tantanisha r oliver on November 8, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    Hi Nicole…
    Sorry for the late response. I have not experienced Transverse Myelitis. I was prescribed Mycophenolate; however, my insurance company has denied payong for the medication . As of today, my vision is declining again. I’ve only experienced vision loss in my left eye. How are you doing? I pray all is well. Its tough dealing with this, but keep the faith in the Lord.

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